Exclusive: Erica Kinsman's attorney talks Winston, assault in sports

John Thrasher issued statement regarding the invitation saying, "We were invited to attend this screening and to participate in a panel discussion but declined due to the lawsuit Erica Kinsman has filed in federal court against Florida State University

Attorneys for Erica Kinsman, a former FSU student who accused quarterback Jameis Winston of raping her in December 2012, responded in a federal Title IX lawsuit Thursday to Florida State's motion to dismiss the case. The filing in the U.S. District

David Cornwell said in a written statement Friday the lawsuit by former Florida State student Erica Kinsman was expected. He said her accusations have been rejected by police and Florida State. The lawsuit was filed Thursday, 2 weeks before the NFL

Marcus Tillman Jordan, who's ex-Florida State QB Jameis Winston's accuser Erica Kinsman's friend, was the one who reportedly got drinks for Erica Kinsman and for Monique Kessler at Potbelly's the night of what we all can 

David Cornwell said in a written statement Friday the lawsuit by former Florida State student Erica Kinsman was expected. He said her accusations have been rejected by police and Florida State. The lawsuit was filed Thursday, 2 weeks before the NFL