Erin Andrews says claim nude video was a publicity stunt 'ripped her apart'

Erin Andrews takes the stand in stalker trial. Published 8:45 PM EST Feb 29, 2016. Tweet. Next Video: Vermont college bans energy drinks due to increased sexual activity. 0. next video will play in: 2. seconds. Vermont college bans energy drinks due to 

29, 2016: Sportscaster and television host Erin Andrews testifies in Nashville, Tenn. Andrews has filed a $75 million lawsuit against the franchise owner and manager of a luxury hotel and a man who admitted to making secret nude recordings of her in 2008.

While the political world will be focused on Super Tuesday this week, Tennessee lawmakers have a lot on their plate as the General Assembly continues. They will tackle a number of bills, including one that would increase the age to purchase tobacco and

Erin Andrews returned to court on Monday to continue her $75 million lawsuit against West End Hotel Partners and her convicted stalker, Michael David Barrett. The lawsuit stems from an incident nearly eight years ago in which Andrews was secretly 

While the political world will be focused on Super Tuesday this week, Tennessee lawmakers have a lot on their plate as the General Assembly continues. They will tackle a number of bills, including one that would increase the age to purchase tobacco and