Erin Andrews awarded $55 million in suit over nude video

Fox Sports reporter Erin Andrews was awarded $55 million Monday in a lawsuit over a secretly filmed nude video. Andrews brought a $75 million suit against her stalker, Michael Barrett, as well as the management company and owner of the Nashville 

Jury Awards $55M to Erin Andrews in Lawsuit Over Nude Video Taken at Hotel, Posted Online. By The Associated Press. NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Mar 7, 2016, 5:34 PM ET. 71 Shares. Email. Star. 71 Shares. Email. Jury awards $55M to Erin Andrews in lawsuit 

Erin Andrews' attorney suggested Friday that a jury should punish a Nashville hotel owner and operator $1 for every person — past and future — who watches nude videos of the sports broadcaster that were secretly recorded in 2008 through an altered

Jury Awards $55M to Erin Andrews in Lawsuit Over Nude Video Taken at Hotel, Posted Online. By The Associated Press. NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Mar 7, 2016, 5:34 PM ET. 71 Shares. Email. Star. 71 Shares. Email. Jury awards $55M to Erin Andrews in lawsuit 

Fox Sports reporter Erin Andrews was awarded $55 million Monday in a lawsuit over a secretly filmed nude video. Andrews brought a $75 million suit against her stalker, Michael Barrett, as well as the management company and owner of the Nashville