El Chupacabra FOUND in Texas … Allegedly [VIDEO]

According to legend, a Chupacabra eats livestock and is known to drink their blood. Local news interviewed the family at their home in a small town in South Texas, and the husband told KABC, "I hunted coons for 20 years with dogs and I ain't never seen 

RATCLIFFE, Texas – A Texas couple claims they have captured the elusive “Chupacabra,” a mythical creature that supposedly attacks livestock. Residents in Ratcliffe said they are certain they have found the Chupacabra and this time it's alive. Ratcliffe 

An East Texas couple claimed to have captured the mythical “chupacabra,” though it is most likely a more common animal. KAVU-TV reported on Tuesday that the “strange animal” has been living in a small cage in Jackie 

Leave it to Texas … a family claims they have captured a Chupacabra in their own backyard … forgetting momentarily the creature DOES NOT…

For decades a creature known as Chupacabra has been blamed for animal and human attacks in the United States and other parts of the world. Descriptions of the beast vary, but most eyewitnesses who claim to have