EDC by Dennis Romero

With eight different feeds displaying every angle of the stages, performances, lights, costumes and more, this is the closest you can get to EDC without stepping foot into the Carnival itself. Turn it UP, drink UP and live it UP with 7UP. Tags EDC live

Two people died in connection with EDC in 2012, though neither occurred at the site of the carnival. A 31-year-old man died at a hospital after being hit by a truck while leaving the festival, and a 22-year old woman died when she fell out of her Strip

It's EDM Christmas in Las Vegas this weekend, and for fans unable to make the pilgrimage to see it person, EDC Curated is the next best way to experience the best of Electric Daisy Carnival 2014. “I look at live streams as a passive way of experiencing 

It's EDM Christmas in Las Vegas this weekend, and for fans unable to make the pilgrimage to see it person, EDC Curated is the next best way to experience the best of Electric Daisy Carnival 2014. “I look at live streams as a passive way of experiencing 

However, as he puts it, there's so much more to EDC “than just DJ sets and crowd cut-aways,” so Insomniac is launching a behind-the-scenes broadcast for one weekend only called EDC Curated. “As many of you know, I've