Earthquake rattles near one of LA's most destructive faults

Orange County elementary school gets $6M update after earthquake damage. Elementary school gets $6M update after earthquake damage. More than a year after a magnitude 5.1 earthquake rocked north Orange County, hundreds of students are one step 

Researchers Test Smartphones for Earthquake Warning Crowdsourcing Smartphone Data Could Provide Valuable Advance Notice for People in Quake Zones Released: 4/10/2015 2:15:00 PM 

Six days before the massive magnitude-9 earthquake that triggered the devastating March 11, 2011 tsunami in northeastern Japan, 50 melon-headed whales beached themselves in the area. This week, over 150 

New research from the United States shows that ordinary smartphone sensors could one day be used to give several seconds' warning of an earthquake.

And while some of you may shrug and write this off as a sad accident of some sort, the rest of us are freaking the $'&# out, because just before the last time Japan experienced a major earthquake (you know the one), there was a similar mass beaching of