Earth Will Line Up Directly With the Sun and Mars Tonight

Take a long, hard look at the picture below: Do you see the bright object in the background? How about now using a close-up? That is apparently a mysterious light captured by the Mars rover Curiosity last week. So far, the 

A new photograph from NASA's Mars Curiosity rover appears to showcase a strong artificial light emanating from the planet's surface, igniting speculation that the beacon suggests there is intelligent life on the Red Planet.

Maki explained that the bright spots appear in single images taken by the Navigation Camera on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover's right-eye but not its left. In the right-eye images, the spot is in different locations and is seen at the ground surface level

A new photograph from NASA's Mars Curiosity rover appears to showcase a strong artificial light emanating from the planet's surface, igniting speculation that the beacon suggests there is intelligent life on the Red Planet.

NASA has stepped forward to comment on the Mars rover's latest photo that has space enthusiasts buzzing. In short, the agency doesn't think it's extraterrestrial life. "What we do know is it's not E.T. up there," NASA spokesman