In commemoration of March 2, the author's 112th birthday, the Comedy Central game show unleashed upon the world #GrittySeuss, a rabbit hole of a hashtag that reimagines the titles of Dr. Seuss' beloved books. The responses ranged from adorable to eye
Six students from the Love on a Leash mentoring program took time out Thursday to read books to pre-K students and kindergartners at Carrie E. Gould Elementary School in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday. Holly the therapy dog came dressed appropriately in
LAKEWOOD – As anyone who has read the book can attest, it takes a brave person to take on the linguistic gymnastics of Dr. Seuss' “The Lorax” first thing in the morning. Maybe that's why the job fell to a veteran police officer, Patrolman Jerome Cohen
Muskingum County Head Start has been celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday all week long with different exciting events and tonight they held an event at the the Coburn United Methodist Church where nearly 300 children and their families were in attendance.
LAKEWOOD – As anyone who has read the book can attest, it takes a brave person to take on the linguistic gymnastics of Dr. Seuss' “The Lorax” first thing in the morning. Maybe that's why the job fell to a veteran police officer, Patrolman Jerome Cohen