Dr. Oz: Tips to get healthy, lose weight in 2014

Dr. Oz said disfiguring bunions will affect over 50 percent of women, but warned against the dangers of bunion surgery on the Dec. 31 episode of the Dr. Oz Show. (This episode originally aired Oct. 31.) “Today we're talking about a painful and often

Quick! What's a deep maroon color, looks like a squashed football and works 24/7 keeping you detoxed? Answer: Your liver.

One of the most famous doctors in the world, heart surgeon and TV personality Mehmet Oz, gives us timeless advice about living life to the fullest.

"The Dr. Oz Show," which airs on Fox 5 at 2 p.m. weekdays, is currently in its fifth season and has become one of the more popular daytime talk shows. During the week ending Dec. 8, his medical show was the fourth most popular syndicated talk program 

katie syndicated Atlanta ABC affiliate WSB will replace “Katie” with “The Dr. Oz Show” next fall, Access Atlanta reports. “Katie” will come to an end in June as Katie Couric transitions into her new role as global anchor for Yahoo