Donald Trump Played It Safe on Saturday Night Live

NEW YORK — As Donald Trump prepared for his big "Saturday Night Live" appearance, Latino activists and supporters gathered outside the NBC studios and protested the network's decision to feature a man who has called 

This weekend, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will host Saturday Night Live. To borrow a phrase from the former reality TV star himself, it's gonna be huge—at least, the controversy is. The New York City real 

“Saturday Night Live” found its edge – when it came to other polticians. “Weekend Update” anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che seemed to be releasing a lot of pent-up aggression with zingers that targeted President Obama (“If you can't handle Putin and

After Saturday Night Live's debut in 1975, Chevy Chase became the show's first breakout star in part because of an “impression” of President Ford that involved a lot of bumbling and falling down. The Ford administration, perhaps concerned that Chase's 

Going into the episode of Saturday Night Live he hosted, Donald Trump told Fox News that he'd vetoed some sketches in order to keep from offending voters in the Iowa caucuses, citing “a couple that were too risqué.” Trump perfectly achieved his goal