Donald Trump Gets Earful in Spanish as Latino Outlets Air Disdain

Republican front-runner Donald Trump began to flesh out his economic vision for America, and it includes raising taxes on the wealthy. Trump said during a Wednesday interview on Bloomberg's With All Due Respect that he would like to change the tax code.

Of course, Trump would ensure that the US-born children of these immigrants lose their right to American citizenship, so they'd be deported as well. As Trump sees it, with the border wall up and the immigrants out, the U.S. could be a great nation again.

Real estate mogul Donald Trump is dominating polls and capturing headlines in the Republican presidential race, but rival Jeb Bush is still the favorite of traders in political prediction markets. While Bush has been eclipsed by Trump in opinion polls

Real estate mogul Donald Trump is dominating polls and capturing headlines in the Republican presidential race, but rival Jeb Bush is still the favorite of traders in political prediction markets. While Bush has been eclipsed by Trump in opinion polls

Of course, Trump would ensure that the US-born children of these immigrants lose their right to American citizenship, so they'd be deported as well. As Trump sees it, with the border wall up and the immigrants out, the U.S. could be a great nation again.