Donald Trump and Jorge Ramos have a stormy history

August 25, 2015 8:26 PM EDT – Jorge Ramos was escorted out of a Donald Trump news conference on Tuesday after the presidental hopeful refused to recognize the Univision anchor's questions on immigration. (Asya Akça, Radio Iowa/Twitter) 

Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was escorted from a news conference Tuesday afternoon after he started asking presidential candidate Donald Trump questions without being called on. "Excuse me! Sit down. You weren't 

After Donald Trump got Jorge Ramos kicked out of his press conference in Iowa, Ramos came back in the room and pressed Trump on his immigration position.

August 25, 2015 8:26 PM EDT – Jorge Ramos was escorted out of a Donald Trump news conference on Tuesday after the presidental hopeful refused to recognize the Univision anchor's questions on immigration. (Asya Akça, Radio Iowa/Twitter) 

Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was escorted from a news conference Tuesday afternoon after he started asking presidential candidate Donald Trump questions without being called on. "Excuse me! Sit down. You weren't