Did Anonymous target Kanye West?

Online support for Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson takes legal and illegal forms!

The idea is similar to apps like Yik Yak, which allows college students to post anonymous comments. Yik Yak is also location-based and limits membership to users with university email addresses, intended to keep content to a specific campus. The app is 

Starting in July, Warriors forward Draymond Green will be back on the market. The soon-to-be free agent had a successful season with Golden State, and his 11.6 point average has some analysts speculating he might reel in a max contract. But one scout

The covert hacktivist group Anonymous have threatened to take down rapper Kanye West if the outspoken star doesn't issue a public apology for all his wrongdoings. In an unnerving seven-minute video posted on YouTube, the online activist collective – or 

Late last year, The Guardian posted a series of articles about Whisper, an anonymous app that allowed users to share messages anonymously. Today, it's posted a lengthy retraction of portions of a later story and has even