'Destiny' Beta Multiplayer Update: New Maps, Level Advantages in Time-Limited …

Bungie has teased the Destiny community with unattainable equipment and weapons in both the Alpha and Beta. Thanks to a bit of exploration, we found that this level-locked loot is not the only teaser hidden in Destiny's Beta. The most powerful foes of

After just two days live, the 'Destiny' beta is seeing its first major update, which while important in itself is also a bit enlightening on how planned progressive updates to the final game might function. The competitive multiplayer arena known as

And now that Destiny's beta is open on PlayStation 4, we're back to jump in once more and explore the upcoming blockbuster a final time before its official launch on September 9th. Rather than employ wildly expensive dark 

Easily the number one complaint gamers and critics had of Bungie's Destiny alpha was the voice acting of Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage. Dinklage's lines were flat and uninspired, and some of the lines were particularly bad. Most notorious of

Like many proud knights this day, Joystiq cannot resist the siren call of Bungie's Destiny beta. As such, we're extending our usual Joystiq Streams pre-show antics by many minutes so as to dive into the beta for your viewing