Decision day in New Hampshire

You may have heard that the New Hampshire primary is tomorrow. That means that every presidential candidate, consultant, talking head and political reporter is crammed into the Granite State — searching for last-minute votes, momentum and story lines.

In politics, there is one downside to front-runner status; you have to win and, depending on your perceived lead at the time votes are cast, it helps to win big. Sen. Bernie Sanders might be the underdog nationwide, but he has been leading in the polls

If you are reading this, the voting has already begun in New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary. In Dixville Notch, residents did their traditional first voting just after midnight, bringing smiles to the faces of Bernie Sanders and John Kasich

Unlike most great romances, however, we always knew exactly when this one would end. In two days, all the presidential candidates will pack their bags and leave New Hampshire. Some will boast of our devotion on their way out of town; others will play

In politics, there is one downside to front-runner status; you have to win and, depending on your perceived lead at the time votes are cast, it helps to win big. Sen. Bernie Sanders might be the underdog nationwide, but he has been leading in the polls