Daredevil: A Longform Approach to Comic-Book Television

Joshua Loevy is an attorney in Kansas City, MO, who happens to be blind. For years, people have compared him to blind attorney Matt Murdoch, whose alter ego is the superhero Daredevil. So Loevy was excited to check out 

Marvel has been playing with longer narrative arcs for years now with its films, which are knitted together within one big, interlinked universe. But the strong first season of Daredevil, which just dropped on the binge-friendly Netflix as 13 episodes

It's a good day for Daredevil fans, as Marvel's anticipated series about the superhero without fear finally comes to Netflix. But what's good for fans is likely bad for Daredevil, because his career has been one insane bummer 

In the first minutes of Daredevil, a masked Matt Murdock fights down three men. It's not effortless. He's not an Asgardian or even Captain America. But each blow comes with the speed and precision of someone more than 

Some fans have taken that to suggest that Daredevil might side with Captain America in the Civil War, which in the comics was a story that pitted Captain America against Iron Man after the latter supported a bill in Congress that would force