Daniel Werfel leaves government after guiding IRS through troubles

Hollywood conservative group 'Friends of Abe' targeted by IRS. Posted at 1:02 am on January 24, 2014 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments. No one knows the names of Friends of Abe in Hollywood. Maybe 4 or 5 the rest have to be 

Mentioned by the National Journal this week, anyone that's curious how to report Bitcoin earnings on their 2013 tax filing this year has yet to receive substantial directions from the Internal Revenue Service. With tax filing 

The White House Office of Management and Budget, where Werfel served as controller from 2009 until assuming the role of acting IRS administrator in May, confirmed on Monday that Werfel's last day with the government was Dec. 31. Werfel said Monday 

Mentioned by the National Journal this week, anyone that's curious how to report Bitcoin earnings on their 2013 tax filing this year has yet to receive substantial directions from the Internal Revenue Service. With tax filing 

In theory, IRS administrative decisions about the tax treatment of relative minor entities shouldn't be a big deal. But in practice it often doesn't work out that way. When word first came down that hedge fund and private equity managers could classify