Crimea Votes to Secede From Ukraine as Russian Troops Keep Watch

On Sunday, the people of Crimea go to the polls in a referendum on whether to stay part of Ukraine.

The referendum in Crimea comes one day after Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution urging countries not to recognise its results. Russia was the only member to vote against the measure on Saturday. Thirteen other members voted for it while 

Should he annex Crimea, Mr. Putin could find himself quickly forced into negotiations with the fledgling government in Kiev that he has so far refused to recognize or meet, or face a serious conflict over water, energy and other essentials for which

The big question, now that Russia has effectively annexed Crimea (even though the international community does not recognize the move), is what happens next. Here's what Crimea's pro-Russian deputy prime minister told 

The parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea has adopted an independence declaration from Ukraine which is necessary for holding a March 16 referendum.