Comet to pass by Earth closely after meteor shower

It's not often in a lifetime you get treated to a brand new meteor shower that no one has ever seen before, but that is the case Friday night with the (pardon me a moment while I go copy and paste this:) Camelopardalids Meteor Shower. This meteor

(CNN) — So after all the hype, was the lost sleep and the sore necks from looking at the sky worth it? People throughout North America could ask that question Saturday, hours after witnessing a unique meteor shower that was visible in the middle of

(CNN) — So after all the hype, was the lost sleep and the sore necks from looking at the sky worth it? People throughout North America could ask that question Saturday, hours after witnessing a unique meteor shower that was visible in the middle of

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — NASA announced the discovery of what could become a first ever meteor shower, the May Camelopardalids, delighting skywatchers with 200 meteors per hour for Memorial Day Weekend 2014, 

If the hoped-for meteor blast materializes this Friday night / Saturday morning (May 23-24) Earth won't be the only world getting peppered with debris strewn by comet 209P/LINEAR. The moon will zoom through the comet's