Collective DS Cuts Ties With Sam Pepper As More Allegations Emerge

YouTube star Sam Pepper angered internet users around the world this week after posting a 'prank' video on his channel showing him grabbing random women's arses on the street. After losing a shedload of followers and causing social media uproar, the 

This whole Sam Pepper sitch seems literally never-ending at the moment, and every day we're waking up to a new twist in his controversial and much-criticsed 'experiment' (ahem). But last night things took a bit of a darker turn when a female YouTuber 

Sam Pepper, the YouTuber who posts videos in which he sexually assaults women, has been under fire this week for, you know, sexually assaulting women on camera. Many women have also stepped forward to discuss their personal experiences with 

STUDIO CITY ( — He thinks it's funny, but not everyone is laughing about a YouTube star's latest prank that some are calling sexual assault. YouTube sensation Sam Pepper, clocking more than 2 million 

The fallout from Sam Pepper's controversial “Fake Hand Ass Pinch Prank” is getting more severe by the day. Several the British prankster's former fans have come forward and alleged that he sexually abused them both online and during in-person meet-up