Colin Kaepernick calls TMZ report 'completely wrong'

The woman at the heart of the Colin Kaepernick sexual assault investigation underwent toxicology tests and cops say they are still waiting for…

Colin Kaepernick apparently wasn't happy with TMZ's reporting, and he took to social media to sound off. “The charges made in the TMZ story and other stories I've seen are completely wrong,” Kaepernick said on his Twitter account Friday morning.

Colin Kaepernick came out swinging today claiming TMZ's story — that he is a suspect in a sexual assault case — is wrong but he didn't say how…

The comment came in this article about TMZ attempting to stand by their original report about Colin Kaepernick. This kind of story plays right into the hands of buffoons who choose to quickly judge a situation, but something this extreme still makes me

MIAMI (CBS SF) — 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is taking to social media to respond to a police incident report naming him as a “suspect” in a suspicious incident, and responding to stories on TMZ that continue to refer to it as a “sexual assault