CodePink Attempts to "Arrest" Henry Kissinger for War Crimes in Vietnam, Laos …

"We feel that we need different kinds of people coming in with different kinds of ideas, and it's actually Henry Kissinger's old-world politique of being ready to overthrow democratically-elected governments or bomb to smithereens countries like

Israeli President Ruvy Rivlin met in New York with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Code Pink members chanted “Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes” as the former secretary of State walked into the Armed Services Committee hearing chaired by McCain. The hearing featured testimony from Kissinger, George Shultz and Madeleine 

At one point, George Shultz, the secretary of State in the Reagan administration, who was also testifying, stood up and defended Kissinger, leading to a standing ovation in the hearing room. "I salute Henry Kissinger for his many contributions to peace

Henry Kissinger congressional testimony, homeland security legislation, the Air Force budget and more are on the agenda this week.