Cleveland job bank operator Kelly Blazek shamed after brutal rejection letters …

Kelly Blazek had some harsh words to say to a 26-year-old trying to connect with her on LinkedIn as the successful business woman tells off Diana Mekota for trying to befriend her on the networking site. Kelly Blazek Email Goes Viral – photo from Twitter.

Head of the Cleveland Job Bank Kelly Blazek had a rough recently when her scathing email responses went public. Here's a lesson in how not to behave. Kelly Blazek at the IABC awards ceremony You'd think someone who was Head of the Cleveland Job Bank might know more about creating a killer career than how to kill a thriving one. It's tempting to turn this 

Kelly Blazek had some harsh words to say to a 26-year-old trying to connect with her on LinkedIn as the successful business woman tells off Diana Mekota for trying to befriend her on the networking site. Kelly Blazek Email Goes Viral – photo from Twitter.

CNN's Brooke Baldwin speaks with millennial expert Marian Salzman about a LinkedIn rejection email from Kelly Blazek, the Cleveland International Association of Business Communicators' 2013 Communicator of the Year,