Clean-Water Activist Swims Gowanus Canal in Protective Suit for Earth Day

President Obama celebrated Earth Day this week by visiting the Florida Everglades where he spoke about the threat that climate change poses to our economy and to the world. While there, he sat down with Bill Nye the Science Guy to discuss that threat, 

Good news, skywatchers: the annual Lyrid meteor shower peaks this week, and astronomers are predicting an awesome show. The Lyrids, considered the first good meteor shower of the year, will peak on April 22 — Earth Day 

Via iHateTheMedia, here are a few of the predictions made on the first Earth Day. Don't these sound like the predictions today that fail, like the 50 million climate refugees by 2010 followed by the moving of the goalposts to 

The day just finished, April 22nd, is a globally-recognised day of awareness for recycling and hybrids and all the good stuff. To celebrate, the European Space Agency released this rather wonderful image of our special planet 

Earth Day is a pseudo-religious rite and the worshippers are young liberals.