Clean-Water Activist Swims Gowanus Canal in Protective Suit for Earth Day

Earth Day, April 22, means different things to different people: a chance to plant some seedlings; a call to activism; the time to actually make that New Year's resolution compost heap. But to many fashion people, it mostly means an inbox clogged with

Celebrate Earth Day 2015 today. Posted YESTERDAY, 10:13 AM Updated YESTERDAY, 7:05 PM. Earth Day 2015 pic. By RJ Marquez. Web – News Editor. SAN ANTONIO – Wednesday is Earth Day 2015, a celebration honoring nature and the role we play in 

Just before Earth Day 2011 when oil was selling for $120 a barrel, former Saudi oil minister Sheikh Yamani put out the idea that oil prices could imminently reach $200 to $300 per barrel. He was referring to the implications of unrest in the Middle

Another councilman, Robert Wilkinson, labeled Earth Day activists “radicals who have taken actions against our own government,” claiming that, at a recent meeting on the environment, he had heard young people “urge a change in the American form of 

Mother Nature's magnificent power was on full display when lightning struck One World Trade Center in New York City during late afternoon storms Wednesday, on Earth Day. The New York City skyline provided the perfect backdrop as a cold front moved