Clean-Water Activist Swims Gowanus Canal in Protective Suit for Earth Day

Just before Earth Day 2011 when oil was selling for $120 a barrel, former Saudi oil minister Sheikh Yamani put out the idea that oil prices could imminently reach $200 to $300 per barrel. He was referring to the implications of unrest in the Middle

44 thoughts on “Earth Day: Terraforming The Earth”. Alan Kilian says: April 22, 2015 at 1:17 pm. In 300 years, New York, London, Tokyo, and just about every major city on the planet will be underwater. Sub-Saharan Africa will 

On Earth Day–which was yesterday, in case you missed it–there's a lot be happy about. Enough to encourage Tim Cook on to the dance floor, in fact. Joined by Eddie Cue and Phil Schiller, the Apple CEO danced to 

On Earth Day–which was yesterday, in case you missed it–there's a lot be happy about. Enough to encourage Tim Cook on to the dance floor, in fact. Joined by Eddie Cue and Phil Schiller, the Apple CEO danced to 

Forty-five years ago, 22 million Americans celebrated clean air, clean water and a clean environment on the very first Earth Day. The day itself was created by Republican (gasp) President Richard Nixon. He signed the