Clean-Water Activist Swims Gowanus Canal in Protective Suit for Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day, Kardashian gave fans another peek of her upcoming book Selfish, which consists of 352 pages of self-composed snapshots featuring (who else?) the reality star and mogul herself. And lest you doubt the audience is there for such a 

Forty-five years ago, 22 million Americans celebrated clean air, clean water and a clean environment on the very first Earth Day. The day itself was created by Republican (gasp) President Richard Nixon. He signed the 

Another councilman, Robert Wilkinson, labeled Earth Day activists “radicals who have taken actions against our own government,” claiming that, at a recent meeting on the environment, he had heard young people “urge a change in the American form of 

On Earth Day–which was yesterday, in case you missed it–there's a lot be happy about. Enough to encourage Tim Cook on to the dance floor, in fact. Joined by Eddie Cue and Phil Schiller, the Apple CEO danced to 

Via iHateTheMedia, here are a few of the predictions made on the first Earth Day. Don't these sound like the predictions today that fail, like the 50 million climate refugees by 2010 followed by the moving of the goalposts to