Chuck Hagel

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Monday that he is stepping down, leaving under pressure following a rocky tenure in which he has struggled to break through the White House's insular team of national security 

The New York Times reported this morning that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is relenquishing his post under pressure, and that President Obama will announce his departure at a press conference later today. The Times 

In a cruel echo of history, Obama is morphing into the president whose foreign policy he campaigned to overturn. Obama on Monday morning sacked his Pentagon secretary, Chuck Hagel, after huge midterm election losses in the sixth year of his presidency 

But Chuck Hagel's "resignation" as defense secretary is the latest sign that the Team of Rivals idea is effectively over — if it ever really existed in the first place. Here's how the New York Times's Helene Cooper, who broke the news, wrote about the

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is stepping down after serving almost two years as Pentagon Chief.