Chrissy Teigen, John Legend welcome baby girl

LOL! Chrissy Teigen took to Twitter on Sunday, April 17, to notify fans that her husband, John Legend, is “healing perfectly” after the birth of their daughter, Luna Simone Stephens. “To everyone asking, John is healing perfectly,” the new mom, 30 joked.

FILE – In a Thursday, March 10, 2016 file photo, musician John Legend, left, and model Chrissy Teigen, right, sit courtside during the first half of an NBA basketball game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Cleveland Cavaliers, in Los Angeles. The

twitterte Legend. "Luna Simone Stephens, born on Tuesday, the 14th. We couldn't be happier!" Teigen witzelte später: "To everyone asking, John is healing perfectly." "Thank you for all the well wishes!!! We are so happy and excited! I dunno what to

US musician John Legend (L) is kissed by his wife Chrissy Tiegen (R) in the press room after winning the award for Best Original Song for 'Glory' during the 72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards. Photo by: Hubert Boesl/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images.

This baby has some pretty good genes! While everyone else is refreshing Instagram for the first pic of Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's newborn daughter, Luna, producer Mike Jackson has already gotten a glimpse!