Chris Christie is not running for Prom King

A day after Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea hosted a fundraiser for Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, the New Jersey native's music was used to introduce the candidacy of Republican Chris Christie. Tuesday morning (June 30), Christie

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) announced he's running for president in 2016. Christie told supporters of his plans in a phone call Tuesday morning, according to NBC and the AP. Christie made a public announcement 

“I am not running for president of the United States to be elected surrogate prom king,” Mr. Christie said in his speech at his former high school, where he wasn't prom king but he was class president. –The New York Times. Chris Christie is not running

Newspapers generally proceed with great caution in alleging that politicians are lying. The claim requires a lot of proof, for starters. To lie means to knowingly deceive, and in many cases, establishing someone's state of mind is tricky, if not

Having burned all his bridges in New Jersey – those he didn't shut down, anyway – Gov. Chris Christie today announced his escape plan: to run for the GOP nomination for president in 2016. There are so many reasons why