Chris Christie Gets Caught in Traffic

Jon Stewart on Chris Christie's scandal: 'You can see Paul Ryan's b*ner from space'. By Arturo Garcia Thursday, January 9, 2014 0:25 EST. Jon Stewart 010814 [YouTube]. Tweet; Print Friendly and PDF; Email this page. Tweet. Jon Stewart 

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A political dirty-tricks investigation of Gov. Chris Christie's inner circle broke wide open Wednesday with the release of emails and text messages that suggest one of his top aides engineered traffic jams in a New Jersey town

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Wednesday he is “outraged” by newly released documents linking a senior member of his staff to the closure of lanes on a major bridge in September — shutdowns that caused massive traffic jams and sparked allegations 

A series of private emails between a top aide to Gov. Chris Christie and a political appointee at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey shows the governor's office was well aware of a plan to abruptly shut down several lanes at the George

Bombshell documents show that decisions that caused days of traffic jams near the George Washington Bridge — possibly in retaliation against a Democratic mayor who wouldn't endorse Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) for