Chris Christie Bites The Presidential Dust

A sixth-place finish isn't what Gov. Chris Christie was looking for Tuesday night in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary. After vowing to be "the leading governor" in the nation's first primary state, Christie was defeated soundly by Ohio

To critics such as Christie, the moment — following as it did similar repetitions at Saturday's debate — underlined Rubio as inauthentic and too closely hewn to talking-points. To Rubio supporters, it's much ado about nothing, a disciplined candidate

From the beginning of his presidential campaign, Chris Christie told voters as often and as forcefully as possible that he — unlike Marco Rubio, unlike Ted Cruz, unlike Donald Trump, unlike Carly Fiorina and unlike Ben Carson — was a governor. He

“And although I've got huge differences with Chris Christie, the fact that I gave him a bro hug or something right after his state had gone through this enormous disaster and we were trying to work together to help them, those things suddenly became

Rupert Murdoch weighed in on Chris Christie's failed presidential bid, calling him a "suicide bomber." “Chris Christie, suicide bomber. Damages victim while blowing himself up!” the News Corp chairman tweeted on Wednesday. Story Continued Below.