Chris Christie Bites The Presidential Dust

Donald Trump was a runaway winner in the Republican race and even though only 2 percent of the votes officially had been counted, the picture was bleak for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. After spending more than 70 days campaigning in New Hampshire 

Yesterday, Chris Christie officially dropped out of the race for President. Although many would argue that his showing in New Hampshire, at just about 8%, was good enough to warrant a continuation of his campaign, Christie's chances of reaching the GOP 

Chris Christie Joins Carly Fiorina In Quitting Race As Hopes Dashed For Podium At CBS' Debate – Update. by Lisa de Moraes. February 10, 2016 2:15pm. 7. carly-fiorina. TV · Breaking News · News · Politics · TV News · ABC · Carly Fiorina. UPDATED with 

Donald Trump was a runaway winner in the Republican race and even though only 2 percent of the votes officially had been counted, the picture was bleak for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. After spending more than 70 days campaigning in New Hampshire 

To critics such as Christie, the moment — following as it did similar repetitions at Saturday's debate — underlined Rubio as inauthentic and too closely hewn to talking-points. To Rubio supporters, it's much ado about nothing, a disciplined candidate