Chris Christie And Mike Huckabee Exchange Blows On Social Security

At the GOP primary debate Thursday night, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) misrepresented the timing of his appointment to a Department of Justice position by claiming to have been a United States Attorney at the time of the 9/11 attacks. When Fox

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will have dinner with his team tonight in Little Italy, according to a Christie spokesperson. Christie and company will dine in Nido Italia, so keep your eyes open. If you

Chris Christie (R) was quoted discussing birth control on Tuesday morning. Christie, a presidential candidate, held a town hall event at Blake's Restaurant & Creamery in Manchester, New Hampshire, where the topic came up.

Earlier this morning, a restaurant full of wildly unlucky, likely cursed New Hampshire voters had to pretend to eat breakfast while Chris Christie discussed the act of putting his penis inside of a woman's vagina. Which he has 

Rand Paul and Chris Christie went at it after Christie defended his assertion that Paul could be blamed for another terrorist attack because he opposes bulk NSA collection of phone records. Paul responded: "I want to collectÂ