Chipotle Meeting Outlines Food Safety to Workers and Message for Public

Today is a sad day, the day Chipotle closed—everywhere. The burrito chain's more than 2,000 locations shut their doors temporarily today so that management could get employees up to speed on its disastrous outbreaks caused by tainted food, as well as 

My order was always the same: One taco with sofritas—chipotle-spiced, shredded tofu—black beans, veggies, lettuce, a little cheese and some hot sauce on the side. I made that very same order at the Chipotle at 2007 Camden Avenue on Sunday, Oct. 25, 

My order was always the same: One taco with sofritas—chipotle-spiced, shredded tofu—black beans, veggies, lettuce, a little cheese and some hot sauce on the side. I made that very same order at the Chipotle at 2007 Camden Avenue on Sunday, Oct. 25, 

In the wake of an extremely rough 2015 that saw its restaurants face E. coli outbreaks and problems with salmonella and norovirus, Chipotle has instituted one smart change at drink stations. In at least some locations, the lemon wedges that were once 

To make up for the lost hours, Chipotle is offering a rain check in the form of a coupon for a free burrito between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The coupons are first-come first-serve — and based on people's reactions on Twitter, if you want one, you