China, Japan and Britain Join Search for Missing Jet in Indian Ocean

And since they have a 3- to 5-meter resolution, they would be able to spot something like, say, a plane. "In the future we should never have a situation where we have to wait two weeks to find a lost plane,” said founder Will Marshall during his TED

Aviation experts said that if the debris is found and confirmed to be from the missing plane, authorities will face an even-more daunting task: finding the rest of the wreckage and solving a disappearance that has been one of the biggest mysteries in

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The plane must be somewhere. But the same can be said for Amelia Earhart's. Ten days after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared with 239 people aboard, an exhaustive international search has produced no sign of 

Perth, Australia (CNN) — The search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 resumed Friday in the southern Indian Ocean with long-range reconnaissance aircraft looking for possible debris from the jetliner in one of the most remote locations on Earth

"And we've already lost two weeks, so of the window of opportunity is closing very rapidly." Satellite While they still hope their loved ones will somehow be found, they acknowledged that news of the satellite images could mean the plane fell into