Chelsea Clinton announces pregnancy

Joined on stage by her mother, Chelsea Clinton told a group of young female students that she feels "all the better whether it's a girl or a boy that she or he will grow up in a world with so many strong female leaders." "I just hope I will be as good

Chelsea Clinton announced Thursday that she and husband Marc Mezvinsky are expecting their first child. The announcement came after her mother, Hillary Clinton, had publicly joked about wanting grandchildren. Chelsea is the only child of the former 

There's big news from the Clinton camp today, and it has nothing to do with Hillary's presidential run. Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton announced this afternoon that she and her husband, Marc Mezvinksy, are expecting 

Chelsea Clinton is the product of two of the most powerful brands in the world. Now she's finally carving out her own identity–by joining the family business. By Danielle Sacks. Once upon a time, Chelsea Clinton was a little 

Chelsea Clinton, scion of a former president and a possible future one—and more recently, vice-chair of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation—has announced she's pregnant, according to CNN's Robert Yoon.