'Charlie Hebdo' Cover to Show Muhammad Saying 'Je Suis Charlie'

A preview of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo's next magazine cover has been released, featuring a cartoon depiction of the Prophet Muhammad holding a placard reading "Je Suis Charlie" with the heading "Tout est pardonne"—all is forgiven.

is out — and cartoon Muhammad is back. This time, a tearful prophet is shown holding up a “Je Suis Charlie” sign with the slogan “Tout Est Pardonné” (“All Is Forgiven” in English) appearing above the Muhammad cartoon.

The kids spontaneously began a "march" of their own, with homemade "Je Suis Charlie" signs and T-shirts decorated with drawings of the French flag. Gone was the fear and sorrow of recent days, replaced by a sense of purpose and unity that we felt 

SHANGHAI — Sunday, world leaders gathered in Paris to mourn the 16 victims gunned down in the Charlie Hebdo and kosher supermarket attacks. President Obama was notably absent, but he sent a message of support. So did officials here in China, where 

Je Suis Charlie. 01-09-2015 by Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons. With the help of the Internet, we offer our solemn tribute to the heroes of Charlie Hebdo who were brutally killed in Paris. Je Suis Charlie.