Familiar with my interest in 20th Century Hollywood, pop culture generally, new age and occultism, and true crime, Anne suggested I check out the show's 11 episode arc about Charles Manson and everything he represented and/or was in proximity to over
Gov. Jerry Brown has rejected parole for a third time for a follower of cult leader Charles Manson 46 years after a series of bloody murders rocked Southern California.More >. Gov. Jerry Brown has rejected parole for a third time for a follower of cult
Gov. Jerry Brown has rejected parole for a third time for a follower of cult leader Charles Manson 46 years after a series of bloody murders rocked Southern California.More >. Gov. Jerry Brown has rejected parole for a third time for a follower of cult
In a bizarre performance art piece, infamous serial killer Charles Manson, as played a man who claims to be his son, was retried at Los Angeles's Vector Gallery on December 28, reports the Daily Mail. Matthew Roberts, age 48, was purportedly fathered
Aquarius, the NBC network's telling of the events leading up to Charles Manson's helter skelter revolution, casts Amanda Brooks as actress Sharon Tate, for season 2. Aquarius stars David Duchovny, who is also starring in the newly resurrected The X