Were Yellowstone bison fleeing supervolcano? No, they were just frisky

Still, the debate over the volcano's potential reflects one enduring truth about Yellowstone and the geology beneath its surface: The park remains one of the foremost research laboratories in the world, drawing internationally renowned scientists Reportedly “droves” of animals, including herds of bison, have been fleeing from Yellowstone National Park, and bloggers have gotten readers … Read more

Bison fleeing Yellowstone volcano eruption?

A sleeping supervolcano shook up Yellowstone National Park early this morning at 6:34 a.m. and registered a 4.8 magnitude earthquake, but geologists say the shake up should be of no concern. The tremor rattled the border  This map from the U.S. Geological Service shows the range of the volcanic ash that was deposited after the … Read more