WhatsApp Deal Bets on a Few Fewer 'Friends'

Just because WhatsApp will “operate independently” doesn't mean Facebook won't put its 6,000-employee muscle behind its new acquisition. We've heard a lot about how WhatsApp will save Facebook from losing the  The only thing more stunning than WhatsApp's $19 billion price tag is the incredible journey of the messaging app's CEO Jan Koum. Koum was … Read more

WhatsApp Deal Bets on a Few Fewer 'Friends'

Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) — The $19 billion deal to sell WhatsApp Inc. to Facebook Inc. started at Yahoo! Inc. more than five years ago, when Jan Koum became disillusioned at the way Internet companies were fixated on advertising. He left Yahoo in 2007 with WhatsApp did a great job of being surreptitious about its funding … Read more