What Is Pi Day? 7 Facts About March 14 You Need To Know

CLEVELAND, OH — – Happy Pi Day 2016! What is Pi Day and why is it so special? Today is March 14, 2016. The date resembles the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter which is 3.14159265359, 3.14 for short and this year math lovers are Happy Pi Day! Wondering why the heck everyone … Read more

What Is Pi Day? 7 Facts About March 14 You Need To Know

Pi Day is almost here but let's face it, we all learned about Pi in high school but do we really remember anything about it? Fear not because every year, Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant. First of all, what is Pi? According Pi Day's official Pi Day is almost here but let's face it, … Read more

Richard Preston's “The Mountains of Pi”

Happy Pi Day! Pi is one of the few mathematical constants that immediately conjures up thoughts of food. Pies in particular. My wife Linda, inspired by this important day, prepared a lemon angel meringue pie I can't wait to  Possibly not everyone knows that March 14th is Pi Day, in honor of the symbol used … Read more