Tug of War Over Ukraine Intensifies

SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine — Russia's move to seize control of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula on Saturday led Ukraine to call up its military reserves on Sunday and warn Moscow against further incursions as Western powers scrambled to find a response to the  Masked gunmen raised the Russian flag and barricaded themselves inside government buildings in the capital … Read more

Tug of War Over Ukraine Intensifies

Ukraine's Navy flagship, the Hetman Sahaidachny frigate, has reportedly refused to follow orders from Kiev, and come over to Russia's side and is returning home after taking part in NATO operation in the Gulf of Aden flying  KIEV, Ukraine — Ukrainian and Western leaders tried on Sunday to dissuade President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia … Read more

Ukraine Finds Its Forces Are Ill Equipped to Take Crimea Back From Russia

KIEV, Ukraine — The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution here as another flowering of democracy, a blow to authoritarianism and kleptocracy in the former Soviet space. But successful revolutions, as the interim government  Prime Minister Stephen Harper is recalling Ottawa's ambassador to Moscow and suspended Canada's preparations for the G-8 … Read more

Claims of Police Brutality in Ukraine Amid Talks to Quell Unrest

Two men died from bullet wounds on Wednesday, according to Ukraine's general prosecutor, while the third died after falling from a rooftop while fighting with police. Protesters report that dozens of people have been  KIEV, Ukraine—President Viktor Yanukovych, under growing pressure from Western leaders, proposed to free detained protesters in return for a temporary cease-fire … Read more

Cease-Fire in Kiev as Opposition Leaders Meet With Ukraine President

Ceasefire in Ukraine: Barricades doused out, violence an inch from reigniting. Published time: January 22, 2014 19:15. Edited time: January 23, 2014 11:26. Get short URL. January 23, 2014 (Reuters / Vasily Fedosenko). Download video  There is a danger that the Ukrainian extreme right are serving the political purpose of the apparently moderate leaders, who … Read more