Trump inspires unease in both parties, as State of the Union and its response …

President Barack Obama's 2016 State of the Union address touched on the progress made on LGBT rights in the United States after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in 2015. Obama's comments conclude a years-long span of State of the Union  President Barack Obama's 2016 State of the Union address touched on the progress made … Read more

State of the Union: Obama's greatest hits

“Say a hardworking American loses his job — we shouldn't just make sure he can get unemployment insurance; we should make sure that program encourages him to retrain for a business that's ready to hire him,” Obama said during his State of the Union  Still, left, right or center, most can agree that the United … Read more

State of the Union: Obama's greatest hits

President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address Tuesday. The audience within the chamber produced nearly 15 minutes of applause, making up 25.2 percent of Obama's final SOTU address. This year's percentage of applause is the second  President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address Tuesday. The audience within the chamber … Read more

A Split in the State of the Union

On Wednesday night, "The Daily Show" tackled the State of the Union from the night before, and the never-ending State of the Union responses that we assume are still being aired right now. Warning: Video contains some of the salty language you might  Following is the transcript of President Obama's State of the Union address, … Read more

A Split in the State of the Union

President Barack Obama spent much of his State of the Union address on Tuesday touting improvements in the United States economy and advocating for new domestic initiatives including free community college and tax cuts for the middle class — ideas First lady Michelle Obama is a known admirer of designer Michael Kors, having chosen his … Read more