The Star Wars Teaser Trailer Has Added $2 Billion to Disney's Value

The new "Force Awakens" trailer transports CNET's Tania Gonzalez to her youth in Mexico, where she and her brother turned broomsticks into lightsabers and her dog played the role of droid "Arturito." Stephen Colbert's 13-year-old dreams have come true. The 50-year-old white-bearded comedian, who will soon replace David Letterman on the “Late Show” after nearly … Read more

Star Wars trailer in Lego

This guy's reaction to the new 'Star Wars' trailer might be better than the trailer itself. Watch what he does when he sees the Millennium Falcon. Limited-time Christmas offer for TheBlaze Magazine · Obama administration pitches Obamacare as a Black Arrived, the first trailer has. Now here's our reaction: Read Darren Franich's deep-dive analysis and … Read more

Trailer for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Goes Online

milennium falcon DisneyWhoa. The new "Star Wars" trailer is here! For the uninitiated, let's catch up. This movie is called "Star Wars: Episode VII." The subtitle is "The Force Awakens." The story takes place approximately 30  Yes fanboys and fangirls, the first footage of J.J. Abrams's highly-incredibly-totally anticipated blockbuster film sequel Star Wars: The Force … Read more