An Open Letter to Sarah Palin

Here is where Sarah Palin's endorsement of Trump could help him, especially in Iowa. She is very popular with Cruz's strongest supporters. The graph below shows how support for the tea party has been related to support for Trump, Cruz, and Palin. The Here is where Sarah Palin's endorsement of Trump could help him, especially … Read more

Sarah Palin Suggests Arrested Son Track Suffers From PTSD

Sarah Palin missed a scheduled appearance with Mr. Trump in Iowa a day after her enthusiastic if sometimes mystifying endorsement, but caught up with the campaign in Oklahoma, above. Mr. Trump also got a boost from Bob Dole, the former Kansas senator  On Tuesday, Palin was charged with “assault, interfering with the report of a … Read more

Of Course Sarah Palin Endorsed Donald Trump

Sarah Palin endorsed Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday. Trump is in a tight race with Ted Cruz in Iowa with the caucuses less than two weeks away. ROBERT SIEGEL, HOST: Sarah Palin is back in the presidential race. Today she endorsed  Sarah Palin endorsed Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday. Trump is in a … Read more

Sarah Palin ready to 'stump for Trump'

There are rumors that later in the day Trump will announce the endorsement of Sarah Palin, the conservative icon who has championed the tea party movement. But Trump refused to reveal anything early. "We'll talk about that later, but it's a very big Donald Trump picked up the endorsement of one of the biggest names … Read more

Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump for GOP nomination

's communications director, slammed Sarah Palin ahead of her possible endorsement of Donald Trump for president by saying, “I think it would be a blow to Sarah Palin.” On CNN's “New Day” Tuesday, guest host John Berman asked Tyler if it would be a  Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available … Read more