Sam Pepper quits Twitter and makes his YouTube content private

As for the fresh young faces that pepper his squad, Cane offers a realistic but encouraging assessment. "It's going to be a steep learning curve for a few boys, but the ones who step up and take their chances will see plenty of game-time. It's exciting Controversial YouTuber Sam Pepper pledges to delete YouTube channel … Read more

Woman Accuses YouTube Star Sam Pepper Of Rape

The sex savvy YouTuber speaks out against Sam Pepper's recent controversy STUDIO CITY ( — He thinks it's funny, but not everyone is laughing about a YouTube star's latest prank that some are calling sexual assault. YouTube sensation Sam Pepper, clocking more than 2 million  Sam Pepper, the YouTuber who posts videos in which he … Read more

Collective DS Cuts Ties With Sam Pepper As More Allegations Emerge

YouTube star Sam Pepper angered internet users around the world this week after posting a 'prank' video on his channel showing him grabbing random women's arses on the street. After losing a shedload of followers and causing social media uproar, the  This whole Sam Pepper sitch seems literally never-ending at the moment, and every day … Read more

Collective DS Cuts Ties With Sam Pepper As More Allegations Emerge

Sam Pepper released the “first” video in which he pinches the bottoms of women last weekend. After the uproar from subscribers and fellow YouTubers who called him out on turning sexual harassment into entertainment, he decided to turn the tables and YouTube star Sam Pepper angered internet users around the world this week after posting … Read more

Just hours after Sam Pepper issued his non-appology for the sexual harassment prank videos that have ignited a firestorm of criticism it looks like there's more trouble on the horizon for the new media miscreant. In news that  Just hours after Sam Pepper issued his non-appology for the sexual harassment prank videos that have ignited … Read more