Back by popular demand: public backs Pluto for planethood

When astronomers stripped Pluto of its status as a planet in 2006, children and grown-ups raised a ruckus. Some kids even sent hate mail to the Hayden Planetarium complaining about Pluto's "demotion" to dwarf planet status  The organization had 3 distinguished scientists present the case for and against Pluto. Pluto's planet status you may recall … Read more

Back by popular demand: public backs Pluto for planethood

Pluto can thank its lucky stars it's got a strong fan base on Earth. Reduced to the rank of "dwarf planet" by the International Astronomical Union in 2006, it's been waiting in the wings 7.5 billion kilometres away from Earth, bursting for its chance When Pluto was hurled from the pantheon of planets back in … Read more