Planetarium presents 'Pluto Revealed'

The “snakeskin” image of Pluto's surface is just one tantalizing piece of data New Horizons sent back in recent days. The spacecraft also captured the highest-resolution color view yet of Pluto, as well as detailed spectral maps and other high CLEVELAND, Ohio — What did Terry learn at Cleveland Cavaliers media day? Who is responsible … Read more

New Horizons spacecraft makes historic Pluto flyby | Fox News

New Horizons also is carrying a 1991 U.S. postage stamp that's about to become obsolete – it trumpets "Pluto Not Yet Explored" – as well as two state quarters, one representing Florida, home of the launch site, and the other Maryland, headquarters for Tuesday morning, the New Horizons space probe zipped past Pluto going 30,000 … Read more

New Horizons' Pluto Flyby – The New York Times

Right now a piano-sized spacecraft is barreling through space at over 3o,000 mph with an important destination: the dwarf planet Pluto and its system of five moons. On Wednesday, the NASA spacecraft, called New Horizons,  Pluto, our solar system's lovably puny outlier and everyone's favorite demoted planet, is less puny than we thought. New Horizons' … Read more

New Horizons' Pluto Flyby

Blais has previously recorded musical astrophysics videos covering Queen (Bohemian Gravity) and The Lion King (Surface of Light). His latest comes as the New Horizons probe makes its approach on Pluto, beaming back the most detailed images yet taken  Nasa's New Horizons spacecraft has begun beaming back photographs of the surface of Pluto as it … Read more

Harvard says Pluto is a planet, opening up the space debate again

Tonight's moon and the New Horizons spacecraft – headed toward Pluto – occupy nearly the same spot on the sky's dome. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is the first probe sent to Pluto, and it's scheduled to arrive in July 2015. This is an artist's concept of the spacecraft flying past Pluto. Poor Pluto. Is it … Read more

Harvard says Pluto is a planet, opening up the space debate again

First discovered and classified as planet in 1930, Pluto was relegated to "dwarf-planet" status by the International Astronomical Union in 2006. They booted it out because there appeared to be a bunch of other big rocks just like Pluto out beyond the NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is the first probe sent to Pluto, and it's … Read more

Wait, what? Pluto a planet again?

Tonight's moon and the New Horizons spacecraft – headed toward Pluto – occupy nearly the same spot on the sky's dome. Pluto is once again a planet, eight years after being relegated to the status of dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). At least, that is, according to the audience at a debate … Read more

Wait, what? Pluto a planet again?

You'd have a better chance of spotting Pluto, in fact (which can't be seen either, from Earth, with the eye alone). Pluto is some 1,500 times fainter than the faintest star visible to the unaided eye, but Pluto outshines the New Horizons spacecraft by When Pluto was hurled from the pantheon of planets back in … Read more