How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

If federal funding for Planned Parenthood is blocked, could community health centers fill in the gap in services? Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argues it's entirely possible, and the Senate is scheduled to vote on such a measure on Monday. Bill O'Reilly attacked "morally bankrupt" liberals Monday night for defending Planned Parenthood and "abortion … Read more

Who Made the Planned Parenthood Video? – The Daily Beast

In newly released undercover footage from the pro-life Center for Medical Progress, seasoned abortionist Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who serves as national senior director of "medical services" at Planned Parenthood,  Planned Parenthood President: Life Begins at Delivery — John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) July 15, 2015. Remind us: Who are the fringe again? Because the reality is … Read more

Planned Parenthood exec, fetal body parts in video –

New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America's top doctor describing how the clinics sell the body parts of aborted babies, in some cases using an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure. “I'd say  Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) condemned Planned Parenthood Tuesday after video surfaced of the organization's top doctor discussing the sale of … Read more

Planned Parenthood exec, fetal body parts subject of controversial video

We all knew that Planned Parenthood was a brutal, corrupt criminal enterprise staffed by soulless cretins but now we have proof no only of their moral depravity but of their criminality. The non-profit citizen journalism group,  (CNN) An anti-abortion group released a controversial online video Tuesday purportedly showing a top official at Planned Parenthood talking … Read more

After Video Accuses Planned Parenthood of 'Selling Body Parts,' Bobby Jindal …

Planned Parenthood (2) Planned Parenthood has responded to the hidden camera video of one of its executives Deborah Nucatola bragging about harvesting fetal organs, dismissing the video as false and heavily-edited. Rick Perry condemned Planned Parenthood Tuesday after video surfaced of the organization's top doctor discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies. Led … Read more

Congress Asked to Investigate Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Body …

Planned Parenthood has responded toa video of one of its executives bragging about harvesting fetal organs, dismissing the video as false and heavily-edited. Rick Perry condemned Planned Parenthood Tuesday after video surfaced of the organization's top doctor discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies. Wisconsin governor and presidential candidate Scott Walker called an … Read more